Cardiac Research & Education Saar GmbH

Videos Online

Video presentations with basic or advanced background review and operative examples on aortic valve repair, Ross operation, or other cardiovascular procedures.

Video Book

Compilation of lectures and edited operative videos as comprehensive teaching material for aortic valve repair.

Workshop Recordings

Recordings of the live operations from previous aortic valve repair courses. Follow the surgical procedures and the explanatory discussions

Welcome at Cardiac Research and Education Saar GmbH

We are dedicated to supporting research and education in cardiovascular medicine, with a special focus on cardiac surgery. We have organized the unique courses on aortic valve repair in close cooperation with Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schäfers. Based on that experience we have initiated the video-based concept “Aortic Valve Repair – A Video Teaching Series” as an educational tool to disseminate specific information to interested surgeons, cardiologists, and cardiac anesthesiologists. The goal is to generate or improve the knowledge of the involved concepts and provide many specific examples in video format.


Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Schäfers

Prof. Schäfers has a unique experience in aortic valve surgery, encompassing aortic valve repair and the Ross operation. He has standardized and simplified these operations systematically. Over more than 15 years, he has shared his vast experience through lectures and particularly through his unique courses. Many surgeons have learnt from him and found his rational and systematic approach to aortic valve helpful and reproducible.

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